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Priznanje za esej na mednarodnem natečaju

Gimnazijka Klara Žos je prejela priznanje za izvrsten esej, ki ga je mentorica mag. Lenka Žigon poslala na mednarodni natečaj organizacije Trust for Sustainable Living. Natečaja se je udeležilo 1233 dijakov z vsega sveta. Mladi so generalnemu sekretarju OZN (Antoniu Guterresu) v esejih predstavili svoje predloge za boj proti podnebnim spremembam.


»Letos sem se udeležila mednarodnega tekmovanja v pisanju eseja v angleščini za bodočega predsednika organizacije združenih narodov na temo podnebnih sprememb. V tekmovanju so sodelovali udeleženci z vsega sveta. V eseju si lahko izrazil svoje mnenje o tem, kaj se glede podnebnih sprememb že počne in kaj bi se moralo.«  Klara Žos





(We Can Beat Climate Change by 2030)


I know you are very busy, but I hope you will take some time to read my letter. I am 15- year-old student from Slovenia and I am writing this because I would like to change something. You on the other hand can change the world. UN is well known for trying to change it into a better place. I hope you succeed.

Recently, I have heard a lot about climate change in school and on internet. I am slowly realizing how serious it is. I know that our planet is warming and changing quicker than scientists first thought it would. Because of the melting ice, sea levels are rising, and each year ice on both poles shrinks a bit more. According to some researches, we could lose nearly two-thirds of all wild animals by 2020. There can be no doubt that things are getting worse and worse. The process of solving these problems is too slow and many countries still persist on using fossil fuels.  An example of this is Dakota Access Pipeline. I find it very wrong that people who protested against it were beaten by police. More than 300 were injured. I think that people who are trying to do something good should not be punished.

In my opinion, the solution for firstly limiting and then beating climate change is immediate replacing of fossil fuels with alternative sources of energy (wind, sun, water…). This would be a difficult change but it is necessary. Secondly, people should be encouraged to show their ideas. Countries should cooperate with each other and try to consider Paris climate agreement more seriously. Here, you as the UN Secretary General can help. I think it is important to inform people that they have an important role and can do something good for the planet and themselves. Changes are difficult thing for everyone, but this does not mean we should give up. We can still turn into the right direction, or let our only home to be destroyed.

Other possible consequence of the climate change are climate migrations. We have recently seen how it looks when a big number of people migrate. Refugees suffer very much on their way and I think that UN should act more actively in such cases. Nowadays although we have come a long way, wars are still raging. And there could be even more wars for oil when there will be less and less of it. This is also a reason to turn to more alternative sources of energy. More money should be invested in researches that are trying to discover other ways of making energy. Ideas and possibilities are almost endless. We should only pay more attention to it.

Finally we must not look on a world and people as two separate things. We are connected to the nature more than we realize. I hope humanity will find a way how to change the world in a more nature connected one. Better sooner than later.

In a short period we have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. It will not be easy. I wish you success in making better world and happy people. I wish you luck and sending you best regards.


Klara Žos