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Scientific and professional fields


organic farming, forestry, hidden potentials of rural areas, agricultural management, marketing of services and products, advantages and disadvantages of introducing new technologies in agriculture, computer literacy in agriculture, ICT technology, digitalisation, rural spatial planning, sources of farm income, education for rural development, agrarian economics, sustainable farming, sustainable rural development, human capital in agriculture, development potentials, social entrepreneurship, direct selling, partnership farming, beekeeping, biodynamics, permaculture, healthy food - healthy people, medicinal plants, competences of the modern agricultural entrepreneur, robotics, logistics, animal husbandry, agricultural mechanisation, aquaculture



alternative energy sources, waste, marketing of services and products, invasive plants in the domestic environment, invasive species in the domestic environment, importance of nature conservation education for society, raising awareness levels, energy efficiency, environmental impacts, green economy and sustainable development, protected areas, mountain trails, technological solutions, information and communication technologies, landscape conservation from a nature conservation point of view, soil ecology, nature conservation as a problem of rural or urban areas, local action, is ecology an ideology?, water - source of life, application of knowledge in environment and nature, smart cities and villages



horticulture, floriculture, landscaping, sustainable landscaping, ornamental plants suitable for landscaping, entrepreneurship, marketing of services and products, landscaping of the outdoor living environment is also reflected in the landscaping of the indoor living environment, urban horticulture, arboriculture, horticulture and culture of living, innovations in ornamental plant production, quality of horticultural plants, importance of professional horticultural education, horticulture as an art, applied horticulture, landscaped environment for a healthy lifestyle, fruit growing, hydroponics, aquaponics, robotics, herbs, algae, mushroom cultivation, logistics



innovation in processing, nutrition of different social groups, marketing of food products, marketing of services and products, healthy eating for a healthy lifestyle, promotion of healthy living, home branding, production and processing - a challenge for complementary activities, food safety and the agri-food chain, nutrition and modern society, technology, product development and marketing, marketing channels and tools for the sale of produce and products, logistics, nutrition and sport, food protection, storage, packaging, logistics, use of additives, antibiotics



endogenous potentials of rural areas, sustainable rural development, rural opportunities, natural environment, cultural environment, rural spatial planning, complementary activities on farms, people in rural areas, sustainable tourism, tourism on farms, ICT in rural areas, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, young people in rural areas, elderly people in rural areas, women in rural areas, intergenerational cooperation in rural areas, etc.

MORE INFO: dr. Tina Zorman+386 (0) 4 620 26 58, or the Office for Study and Student Affairs, 070 485 353