Regijsko srečanje mladih raziskovalcev 2022
Oksalna kislina v štirih sortah rabarbare
Šola: Biotehniški center Naklo
Avtorici: Neža Jarc, Neža Kavalar
Mentorici: Marija Urankar, Maša Škrlep
Na šolskem posestvu Biotehniškega centra Naklo smo leta 2021, od 17. maja do 18. oktobra, iz ekološkega nasada rabarbare pobirali vzorce štirih sort, to so ‘Holsteiner Blut’, ‘Victoria’, ‘Champagne’ in ‘Livingstone’. Za raziskavo smo potrebovali tako listne peclje kot listne ploskve rastline rabarbare. Pobrane vzorce smo po pobiranju zamrznili v zamrzovalni skrinji, nato pa smo konec oktobra začeli s postopkom titracije. Z analizami smo ugotovili, da se sorte med seboj razlikujejo po vsebnosti oksalne kisline. Ugotovili smo, da je v listnih pecljih najmanj oksalne kisline vsebovala sorta ‘Livingstone’ (788,4 ± 106) mg/100 g, nato ‘Champagne’ (788,4 ± 106) mg/100 g in ‘Holsteiner Blut’ (821,5 ± 169) mg/100 g, največ pa jo je vsebovala sorta ‘Victoria’ (1032,2 ± 76) mg/100 g. V listnih ploskvah jo je najmanj vsebovala sorta ‘Victoria’ (1032,2 ± 76) mg/100 g, nato ‘Holsteiner Blut’ (1317,4 ± 220) mg/100 g, ‘Champagne’ (1409,1 ± 290), največ pa sorta ‘Livingstone’ (1420,3 ± 102) mg/100 g. Rezultati kažejo, da listne ploskve vsebujejo več oksalne kisline kot peclji. Omejitev analize je v izbrani metodi, ki le okvirno določa vsebnost oksalne kisline.
In 2021, from 17 May to 18 October, four varieties of rhubarb were sampled from the organic rhubarb plantation at the Biotehnical Centre Naklo’s school estate, namely Holsteiner Blut’, ‘Victoria’, ‘Champagne’ and ‘Livingstone’. For the study, we needed both leaf petioles and leaf surfaces of the rhubarb plant. Samples collected during the collection were frozen in a freezer and then the titration process started at the end of October. During the analyses, we found that the varieties differed in their oxalic acid content. We found that ‘Livingstone’ (788,4 ± 106) mg/100 g, ‘Champagne’ (788,4 ± 106) mg/100 g and ‘Holsteiner Blut’ (821,5 ± 169) mg/100 g contained the least oxalic acid in the petioles, followed by ‘Victoria’ (1032,2 ± 76) mg/100 g. The highest oxalic acid content was found in the petioles of ‘Victoria’ (1032,2 ± 76) mg/100 g. The lowest oxalic acid content was found in the petioles of ‘Victoria’ (1032,2 ± 76) mg/100 g. In the leaf surfaces, ‘Victoria’ (1032.2 ± 76) mg/100g contained the least, followed by ‘Holsteiner Blut’ (1317.4 ± 220) mg/100g, ‘Champagne’ (1409.1 ± 290) mg/100g and ‘Livingstone’ (1420,3 ± 102) mg/100g the most. The results show that the leaf surfaces contain more oxalic acid than the petioles. The limitation of the analysis lies in the method chosen, which only gives an approximate determination of the oxalic acid content.
Protimikrobni učinki kefirja na rast bakterije S taphylococcus e pidermidis
Šola: Biotehniški center Naklo
Avtorji: Živa Juvan, Ana Markič, Maj Zupan
Mentorica: Tadeja Polajnar
Kefir je starodavni mlečni napitek, pridobljen z mlečnokislinsko in alkoholno fermentacijo, saj
je kultura kefirja v obliki kefirnih zrn, sestavljenih tako iz mlečnokislinskih in drugih bakterij kot iz kvasovk.
Raziskovali smo optimalno količino kefirnih zrn, potrebnih za pripravo kefirja, ki bi imela zaviralni učinek na bakterijo Staphylococcus epidermidis, ki smo jo, kot glavno povzročiteljico
aknavosti in mozoljavosti, izolirali s kože mladostnika.
Najboljše rezultate smo dosegli pri koncentraciji šestih oziroma osmih gramov kefirnih zrn v 100 ml mleka, pri 24 urni fermentaciji, na sobni temperaturi.
Kefir is an ancient lactic drink, that is obtained by lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. Kefir
grains are composed of lactic acid and other kind of bacteria.
We researched the optimal quantity of kefir grains needed for the preparation of kefir that would
have an antibiotic effect on the bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis, which is the main cause
of acne. We isolated the bacteria from the skin of an adolescent.
The best results were achieved by the concentration of six and eight gram per 100 ml of milk,
that was fermented for 24 on room temperature.
Vpliv zauživanja kislega zelja na prebavo
Šola: Biotehniški center Naklo
Avtorici: Klara Zupanec, Ana Gortnar
Mentorica: Vanja Šubic
Hiter tempo življenja, pomanjkanje časa, slabe prehranjevalne navade, stres in pomanjkanje gibanja so vzroki vse pogostejšim težavam s prebavo. V zadnjem obdobju je v porastu ponudba probiotičnih izdelkov, s katerimi rešujemo prebavne težave, kot je na primer zaprtje. Surovo kislo zelje je naseljeno z živimi mikroorganizmi, med katerimi prevladujejo mlečnokislinske bakterije, ki bi lahko vplivale na prebavo. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, ali ima vsakodnevno zauživanje majhne količine surovega kislega zelja zaznan učinek na prebavo. V eksperimentalnem delu je skupina prostovoljcev beležila število dnevnih izločanj blata v strnjenem obdobju, ki je obsegal pet dni pred začetkom zauživanja kislega zelja, štirinajst dni zauživanja kislega zelja in pet dni po koncu zauživanju surovega kislega zelja. Raziskava je pokazala, da se je pri večini prostovoljcev frekvenca izločanja blata v obdobju zauživanja kislega zelja zvišala. A pokazala je tudi, da se po koncu zauživanja kislega zelja povprečno število izločanj vrača na nivo pred eksperimentom. Zaključimo lahko, da se bo pri rednem uživanju surovega kislega zelja v majhnih količinah prebava zelo verjetno izboljšala.
Fast pace of modern life, lack of time, poor eating habits, stress, and lack of exercise are all potential causes of poor digestion. It is becoming increasingly common to use probiotic products to treat poor digestion, such as constipation. Raw sauerkraut contains live bacteria, predominantly lactic acid bacteria, which could affect the quality of digestion. In this research we investigated the effect of daily consumption of small dose of raw sauerkraut on the quality of digestion, where we defined higher frequency of bowel movements as an indicator of better digestion. We asked a group of volunteers to record their daily number of bowel movements for the span of time of five days before, 14 days during and five days after the end of daily consumption of small amount of raw sauerkraut. The results indicate that majority of volunteers experienced an increased frequency of bowel movements during the period when they consumed raw sauerkraut. However, after the ingestion of raw sauerkraut was discontinued, the frequency of bowel movements returned to the frequency before the start of the experiment. We conclude that regular small amounts of raw sauerkraut likely improve the quality of digestion.
Vpliv UV svetlobe na organizme
Šola: Biotehniški center Naklo
Avtorji: Urban Bizjak, Rebeka Čadež, Rika Dolžan
Mentor: Jure Ausec
V tej raziskovalni nalogi smo želeli raziskati pozitivne učinke UV-svetlobe in učinkovitost zaščitnih sredstev, ki se jih uporablja dandanes. Naše poskuse smo upravljali z UVA- in UVC-svetlobo in prišli do rezultatov, ki so skladni s teoretičnimi napovedmi. Dokazali smo, da UVC-svetloba učinkoviteje uniči mikroorganizme kot UVA-svetloba, da oddaljenost vira vpliva na učinkovitost pobijanja mikroorganizmov, prav tako tudi čas izpostavljenosti. Pri delu smo prišli do ugotovitev, da se UV-svetloba absorbira v snovi, zato bi bilo koristno še naprej raziskovati v tej smeri. Ugotovili smo, da nam tudi sončna očala najnižjega cenovnega razreda nudijo tako rekoč popolno zaščito pred UV-svetlobo, opazimo pa razliko v prepuščanju ostalih barv svetlobe. UVC-svetlobo smo testirali tudi na različnih preprekah in pri tem ugotovili, da sončna krema z zaščitnim faktorjem SPF 50 zaustavi tudi nekaj UV-svetlobe.
Throughout this research, we wanted to discover the positive effects of UV light and how effective the most widely used sunscreens are today. Our experiments were controlled with UVA and UVC light and came up with the expected results. We have shown that UVC light kills micro-organisms more efficiently than UVA light, and that the distance from the source affects the efficiency of killing micro-organisms as much as the time of exposure. Our work has led us to the conclusion that there is a possibility that different materials absorb UV light and it might be useful to investigate further in this direction. We have found that even the lowest-end sunglasses give us full protection against UV light, but we notice a difference in the transmission of other colours of light. We also tested UVC light on various barriers and found that SPF 50 sunscreen blocks some of UV light.
Metoda najmanjših kvadratov
Šola: Biotehniški center Naklo
Avtorica: Manca Lepoša
Mentor: Marko Koselj
Nekega dne sem se pri uri matematike vprašala, kako bi točkam, ki ne ležijo na isti premici, izračunali najbolje prilegajočo premico. Tako sem se lotila te projektne naloge. Prvi korak je bil izpeljava formul za izračun vrednosti 𝑘 in 𝑛, da se bo naša linearna funkcija 𝑦 = 𝑘𝑥 + 𝑛 najbolje prilegala danim točkam.
Nato sem se lotila izračunov. Ugotovila sem, da metodo najmanjših kvadratov uporablja veliko različnih aplikacij, s pomočjo katerih lahko izračunamo vrednosti 𝑘 in 𝑛 glede na vnesene točke. Prvi primer sem izračunala ročno. Nato sem izračun naredila še s pomočjo računala, v programih Excel in PSPP ter napisala program za izračun vrednosti 𝑘 in 𝑛 še v programskem jeziku Python. Za vsak izračun sem uporabila nove vrednosti.
Odkrila sem, da linearna funkcija ni edina funkcija, ki jo lahko izračunamo z metodo najmanjših kvadratov. Nekatere preostale funkcije se da linearizirati in tako lahko namesto premice dobimo še ostale najbolje prilegajoče funkcije kot so eksponentna funkcija, logaritemska funkcija in potenčna funkcija. Za vsako sem tudi naredila posamezen primer.
One day at my math class, I wondered how to calculate the best fitting line for points that do not lie on the same line. So, I tackled this project task. The first step was to derive the formulas to calculate the values of 𝑘 and 𝑛 so that our linear function 𝑦 = 𝑘𝑥 + 𝑛 will best fit the given points.
Then I started the calculations. I found out that the least squares method is used by many different applications that can be used to calculate the values of 𝑘 and 𝑛 based on the points entered. I calculated the first case manually. Then I did the other calculations with the help of a calculator, in Excel and PSPP, and also wrote a program for calculating the values of 𝑘 and 𝑛 in the Python programming language. I used new values for each calculation.
I discovered that the linear function is not the only function that can be calculated by the least squares method. Some of the other functions can be linearized, so that instead of a linear one we can get other best-fitting functions such as exponential function, logarithmic function and power function. I also made an individual case for each.
Depresija kot sodobni družbeni pojav
Šola: Biotehniški center Naklo
Avtorica: Pia Meze
Mentor: Andraž Kalamar
Depresija je bolezensko duševno stanje z zmanjšanim zanimanjem za zunanji svet. Depresija ne izbira. Dotakne se lahko vsakogar ne glede na raso, socialni razred in položaj. Vzrokov za depresijo je lahko več, po navadi pa gre za prepletanje okoljskih, socialnih in biološko ter konstitucionalno pogojenih dejavnikov. Prav tako je mnogo vrst depresij, med seboj so si zelo podobne in postavitev točne diagnoze ni enostavna. Ker pa depresija po navadi ne izzveni kar sama, je potrebno zdravljenje, ki je mogoče na psihoterapevtski in farmakološki ravni. Pri premagovanju depresije lahko pomagajo različni strokovnjaki, kot so psihiatri, psihologi in psihoterapevti. Antidepresivi pa niso čudežne tabletke, ki bi rešile vse težave, temveč le opora bolniku, da se vzpostavi nazaj. Najpogostejši vzrok za samomor je nezdravljena depresija. Depresija je že tako pogosta v današnjih družbah, pandemija covida-19 pa jo je še bolj poglobila in povečala število depresivnih ljudi.
Depression is a mental illness with reduced interest in the outside world. Depression is not a choice. It can touch anyone regardless of race, social class and position. There can be several causes for depression, but it is usually a combination of environmental, social, biological and constitutional factors. There are also many types of depression, they are very similar to each other and making an accurate diagnosis is not easy. However, because depression usually does not go away on its own, treatment is needed, which is possible on a psychotherapeutic and pharmacological level. Various professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists can help overcome depression. Antidepressants are not miracle pills that would solve all the problems, but only support the patient to get back on track. The most common cause of suicide is untreated depression. Depression is already so common in today’s societies, and the covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated it and increased the number of depressed people.
Droge in mladi
Šola: Biotehniški center Naklo
Avtorica: Zala Lavttižar Žerjav
Mentor: Andraž Kalamar
Droga je človekov najslabši prijatelj. Na svetu je vedno več ljudi, ki so zasvojeni z njo in veliko mladih, ki niso osveščeni o problematiki jemanja drog. V današnji družbi mladih se pojavlja vse več drog. Seveda so bile droge prisotne tudi v preteklosti, a menim, da ne v takšni meri kot danes. Zavedati se moramo tudi dejstva, da je danes na črnem trgu veliko sintetičnih drog, ki so bolj nevarne in imajo »neznane« učinke. Najbolj razširjene so, in so bile tudi v preteklosti, legalne droge, kot sta na primer alkohol in tobak. Na trgu pa je vedno več prepovedanih drog; marihuana, ekstazi, kokain, heroin,… Vsaka od psihoaktivnih substanc ima svoje lastnosti in učinke, ki so bodisi pozitivni, bodisi negativni.
Mladi posegajo po drogah zaradi različnih razlogov, eden izmed njih je tudi vpliv vrstnikov in družbe na posameznika. Žal se le redki zavedajo, da lahkotno jemanje in eksperimentiranje zapelje v odvisnost od drog, ki pa je velik problem. Take droge, ki jih sprva predstavljajo le zabavo, sprostitev in umik od realnosti, postanejo njihov največji sovražnik.
Drugs are man’s worst friend. There are more and more people in the world who are addicted to it. A lot of young people who are not aware of the problem of the drug use. In today’s society of young people, more and more drugs are appearing. Of course, drugs have been present in the past as well, but I don’t think to the extent that they are today. We must also be aware of the fact that there are many synthetic drugs on the black market today that are more dangerous and have “unknown” effects. The most widespread are, and have been in the past, legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. However, there are more and more illicit drugs on the market; marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, heroin,… Each of the psychoactive substances has own properties and effects that are either positive or negative.
Young people resort to drugs for a variety of reasons, one of which is also the influence of peers and society on the individual. Unfortunately, few are aware that easy taking and experimentation leads to drug addiction, which is a big problem. Such drugs, initially represented only as entertainment, relaxation, and retreat from reality, become their greatest enemy.
Vpliv embalaže na izbiro potrošnika
Šola: Biotehniški center Naklo
Avtorice: Tinka Brinšek, Ana Dernovšek, Lucija Šprajc
Mentorica: Maša Škrlep
V raziskovalni nalogi smo obravnavali vpliv embalaže na izbiro potrošnika. Za ta namen smo v aplikaciji 1ka pripravili anketi, ki so ju izpolnjevali dijaki in zaposleni naše šole. Če povzamemo rezultate in ugotovitve prve ankete, so podatki naslednji: Največjo skupino anketirancev so predstavljali dijaki med 15. in 18. letom starosti, največ le-teh prihaja iz Kranja (28 %), po navadi gredo v trgovino, če nekaj nujno potrebujejo (73 %), bolj jim je všeč večbarvna embalaža (71 %), na izdelku pa jih najbolj privlači cena (109 ljudi), nato izgled, znamka in na koncu deklaracija in certifikati. Pri embalaži jim je najbolj pomembna funkcionalnost (107 ljudi) in šele nato prijaznost okolju (96 ljudi) in izgled. Veliko dijakov je pripravljenih nazaj v šolsko trgovino prinesti povratno embalažo (83 %), pripravljeni so tudi kaj storiti za zmanjšanje uporabe plastike (78 %). V drugi fazi raziskave smo v anketi razjasnili vprašanja na temo steklene povratne embalaže, ki so jo v mlekarni Biotehniškega centra Naklo uvedli z razvojem novega izdelka – mlečnega deserta, in dobili naslednje odgovore: 45 % dijakov in zaposlenih še nikoli ni kupilo izdelka iz šolske trgovine, 21 % ljudi pa vsakokrat, ko je bil mlečni desert na voljo v stekleni povratni embalaži. Na podlagi odgovorov smo ovrgli prvo hipotezo, veliko anketirancev še ni kupovalo v naši trgovini, zato tudi steklena embalaža ni vplivala na njihov nakup. Velik odstotek anketirancev je odgovorilo, da bi prinesli nazaj v trgovino stekleno embalažo (83 %), a ko smo jih vprašali, koliko jih je to v resnici storilo, je bil pritrdilni odgovor zelo nizek (30 %). Na zadnje vprašanje pa smo dobili odgovor, da bi v stekleni embalaži kupci najraje kupovali mleko (27 ljudi), nato jogurt (21 anketirancev), skuto in na koncu še kremni jogurt ter premium izdelke.
In this project, we looked at the impact of packaging on consumer choice. For this purpose, we created a survey in the 1ka app, which was filled in by students and staff of our school. To summarise the results and findings from the first survey, the data are as follows: the largest group of respondents were students aged 15-18, most of them from Kranj (28%), they usually go to the store if they need something urgently (73%), they prefer multi-coloured packaging (71%), and they are most attracted by the price of the product (109 people), then the appearance, the make and finally the declaration and certificates. When it comes to packaging, functionality is most important to them (107 people), followed by environmental friendliness (96 people) and appearance. Many students are willing to take returnable packaging back to the school shop (83%) and are willing to do something to reduce their plastic use (78%). In the second phase of the survey, we clarified the questions on the glass returnable packaging, which was introduced in the Naklo Biotechnical Centre dairy with the development of a new product – the milk dessert, and got the following answers: 45% of students and staff had never bought a product from the school shop, and 21% of people had bought a milk dessert in a glass returnable packaging every time it was available. Based on the responses, we have rejected the first hypothesis, that many of the respondents had never shopped in our store before, and that the glass packaging did not influence their purchase. A large percentage of respondents said they would take glass packaging back to the store (83%), but when asked how many actually did so, the response was very low (30%). As for the last question, the answer we got was that milk (27 people) would be the most popular choice in glass packaging, followed by yoghurt (21 respondents), cottage cheese, and finally creamy yoghurt and premium products.